Google Chrome breaks computers again

Installing Chrome browser with MS Office breaks the hyperlink feature

Sneak attack on MS Office and LiveMail

Many Google tools and applications automatically install the Google Chrome browser.

Installing Chrome on a Windows 7 computer which has either MS Office or Windows LiveMail will break the hyperlink feature.

Hyperlink allows to you to click on a link in a document and automatically go to the internet page in the link.

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Google raises privacy fears

Google Inc. raised privacy fears when it announced the consolidation of it’s privacy agreements. Government agencies and privacy watch dogs are announcing their concerns and potential investigations.

By Sharon Gaudin ComputerWorld – Google has whipped up a privacy brouhaha with a blog post announcing that the company is rewriting its privacy policy, consolidating user information across its services.

What has the blogosphere and some users in an uproar is that Google isn’t offering users an opt-out option. If you don’t want your information from Gmail, YouTube and Google searches combined into one personal data store that can paint a detailed picture of you, the only option is to stop using Google’s services.

There doesn’t seem to be a way to keep using Google’s highly popular products and services and not have the company combine all your personal data. And that bothers some users. For the rest of the story, see ComputerWorld Google stirs up privacy hornet’s nest

Smartphone apps to be replaced by HTML5

44% of 800 million Facebook users go online with a smartphone and incompatible websites are losing customers

Image digitalbuzz

From NJN Network – The world isn’t going mobile. It is mobile.

Internet sites that want to increase traffic need to migrate to HTML5. It’s new and takes some effort but that’s where the market will be.

Look around and everyone is on a smart phone. They are not talking. They’re connecting with Tweeter, Facebook and StumbleUpon and surfing the web. Continue reading