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Aquilium Group Inc. (AGI) provides consulting services to Government and business. Services include a range of IT, privacy, sales and marketing topics.

Building your own computers and servers makes sense

Major corporations have joined users in building computers from parts, avoiding vendors like HP and Dell

Apple server farm

By Stephen Pate – Would it surprise you if Apple, Microsoft, Google and Amazon.com didn’t trot down to Office Depot or call Dell Corporate sales for their computers?

They don’t. Large corporations and users have found they can build better computers and servers that are targeted to their needs by selecting the parts themselves.  Continue reading

Windows 8 Learning the Touch Interface

This Microsoft video helps you learn the simple tricks that make Windows 8 navigation a breeze

By Stephen Pate – Once you get used to the few new navigation tricks in Windows 8 Consumer Preview it seems like second nature.

Watch the video and we’ll cover the basics after the story break.
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Windows 8 Consumer Preview boots faster than an iPad

Speed is everything with computers and Windows 8 is headed for the Indie 500 winner’s circle

Most of the articles that are being printed about Windows 8 imply you must upgrade and adopt Windows 8 this fall. Windows 8 is being designed for new computers.

However, Windows 8 is such an improvement over previous versions of Windows, I predict tens of millions of people will want to make the upgrade. Continue reading